
DataSonnet Included in Apache Camel 3.7

| Russell Duhon

We are very excited to announce that DataSonnet has been accepted as an official data transformation and scripting language into Apache Camel!  This announcement is the result of hard work and contributions from the DataSonnet developer community. The efforts were mainly from two contributing partners: ModusBox and Mountain State Software Solutions (MS3). Last week, ModusBox […]


DataSonnet supports several different input formats out-of-the-box. But what if you need to produce custom output that does not conform to any of the existing standard data formats? One option would be to write a custom DataSonnet plugin that handles this format. Thankfully, there’s an easier way. In this post, we show you how to […]


Introducing DataSonnet

| Russell Duhon

My name is Russell Duhon, and I’m a software developer with ModusBox, where a lot of what we do is help organizations send, receive, and combine data, between lots of different places, in managed, reliable ways. We mostly do those things in the context of Digital Transformation, helping organizations accomplish business processes routinely and quickly, […]